Monday 14 November 2011

Amateur Radio Designs for Older Operators, by Alexander R. Vegh

Following several weeks of research and gathering Human Factors methodology design principals from various sources, I am pleased to present  a paper entitled "Wide-Ranging design goals and human factors methodologies applied to future Amateur Radio designs for Older Operators" Possible solutions for manufacturers for correcting some of the Human Factors related design shortcomings in future Amateur Radio Designs as it effects Older Operators are identified.

Currently several government, military, aerospace and commercial industries require Human Factors to be incorporated early in the new equipment design phase. I decided to analyze the apparent effects of a general lack of Human Factors design principals when applied to the Amateur Radio industry with special emphasis on how Older Operators are effected.

Why the focus on Older Amateur Radio Operators?

My research revealed some interesting statistics mainly that there presently ~ 3.6 million government licensed Amateur Radio Operators worldwide with the majority of countries reporting the average age of their Amateur Radio Operators being 60+.

Also worth noting, most new Operators wait until they are between 40 and 50 years of age before acquiring their Amateur Radio License.

With Older Amateur Radio Operators now demographically in the majority, Amateur Radio manufacturers must start adopting a New Wide-Ranging Design Philosophy which includes Human Factors Methodologies as applied to the special needs of an Aging Worldwide Amateur Radio Population.

With this goal in mind and offering some solutions for manufacturers to help with implementing this New Wide-Ranging Design Philosophy,  here then is my paper.

Alexander R. Vegh
Industry Canada Licensed Amateur Radio Operator
IC Authorized Call VE2VEH

Click here to download the complete article in MS Word format

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